A year ago I talked about my early forays into the world of home automation, mainly via Philips Hue. I’m now treating the “experiment” as a success, and have decided to invest in more lights (and another Hue bridge for our main home). While thinking about this, I decided to check on the availability of an API. Sure enough there’s a great REST API available for Philips Hue, as well as a number of SDKs.
All of which has me thinking about possibilities of using Philips Hue as a way to visualize data. Just as we use Forge inside Dasher 360 to overlay heatmaps onto rooms, how about using Philips Hue to display historical temperature values of the room (or for another room, for that matter)? Or perhaps connect Hue to Dynamo – using a similar technique to the one in this previous post – and show the results of an analysis…
Anyway, I’m currently working on a project relating to the use of Dynamo for urban design, so perhaps I’ll start with connecting Hue to a simple node. It should be really cool.
If you have ideas on how else people might use this API, please post a comment!
photo credit: Scott Lewis Philips Hue Go via photopin (license)