Tomorrow we’re heading on an extended* family trip to Cuba. My thanks to President Obama for timing his trip to finish just before ours (apparently it was all a bit hectic).
* It’s an extended (2 week) trip with my extended (on my wife’s side) family, so I suppose it’s an extended2 family trip.
I’ve always wanted to visit Cuba, so I’m really happy to be making this trip. We’ll be spending 10 days on Cayo Largo – mostly diving and snorkelling – with a couple of days in Havana on either side to soak up the culture. I suspect it’s the days in Havana that I’ll enjoy the most, but then it’ll probably do me good to kick back on a beach for a few days.
I don’t expect to have internet access while I’m there, so this blog is likely to go a quiet, aside from a few blog posts I’ve managed to queue up over the last few days. I’ll do my best to post the occasional tweet, assuming I manage to find a wifi hotspot from time to time.
¡Hasta luego!
photo credit: American Classics In Cuba via photopin (license)