Thank you for your readership and support during the last year. It’s really the interactions with this blog’s readers that motivate me to keep posting after 8½ years.
As a small gesture of appreciation, here’s a simple HTML card that serves up random posts from this blog’s first 1,220 (or so). If you’re not interested by the post it shows when it loads, just click on the “Merry Christmas!” banner until you find one you feel like reading. The provided link will launch the post in a separate browser tab.
In case you’re interested in the implementation details, the shadow text is based on this project which uses the Less CSS pre-processor – I just pre-processed the CSS and added some JavaScript code to make the main text glow – and the falling snowflakes are from here. The random post serving is done completely in client-side JavaScript (which is why it’s quick once the page has loaded) and is based on the implementation I did some time ago for the “10 Random Posts” list in this blog’s right-sash.
I’m planning on taking two full weeks off during the holiday period, returning to work on January 5th. That said, if the snow doesn’t hit soon I may well end up playing around with stuff over the holidays and even writing the odd blog post, so we’ll see how it goes. :-)
All the best to you and yours for the holiday season. Keep the feedback and post suggestions coming, and here’s looking forward to a great 2015!