I’m sitting at Geneva airport, waiting to board a Swiss flight to the UK.
I’ve been hacking away in Python – and now IronPython – for the last few days, which has been very interesting. Here’s a quick update on that…
I’m now managing to save out PNGs of the de-skewed portions of perspective photographs with a high degree of quality, if not with exceptional speed. I’ll post a little on the approaches I tried out – and settled on – when I get the chance.
It’s now time to get the code working inside AutoCAD: I have the basic project set up, and am now working through various minor compatibility issues to get the (pure Python) code to execute inside AutoCAD.
The reason I’m going across to England has nothing at all to do with this, of course. I’m heading over to spend a couple of days with Morgan Motor Company, which is extremely exciting. I have a 1/2 day Morgan 3 Wheeler driving course organised, which I’ll follow with a factory tour and a meeting with the design team to understand more about how MMC uses Autodesk software.
I’m expecting it to be a lot of fun. :-)