Over the weekend, I had more fun exploring the use of Kinect with AutoCAD. It was prompted by an email I had from a UK-based creative team who are interested in the potential of capturing time-lapse point clouds using Kinect. They were curious whether the quality of data coming from the Kinect device would be adequate for doing some interesting trompe l’oeil video compositions.
I started by taking the code from last week’s Kinect post: I removed the code related to gesture detection and beefed up the point-cloud related implementation to deal with composite point clouds that are built up over time.
Some notable changes:
- Given the potential number of points generated by a sequence of captures, it made sense to limit the volume to within a specific bounding box
- The KINBOUNDS command sets a clipping volume from the 3D extents of a selected object
- We use LINQ (similar to the technique shown in this previous post) to filter the points
- Our jig, used by the KINSNAPS command, now has a timer to measure the appropriate delay between snapshots
- It shows the snapshot history in ascending colour indeces, to make them stand out from each other
- As we now have fewer points to display we can display more of them
- We’re now showing 50% – rather than 10% – of the points inside our bounding box
- The points from the various capture get combined into a single LAS/PCG file
- A design decision – they could easily have been kept separate
Here’s how it turned out:
Here’s the C# source code:
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using AcGi = Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Timers;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System;
using NKinect;
namespace KinectIntegration
public class KinectDelayJig : DrawJig
[DllImport("acad.exe", CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl,
EntryPoint = "?acedPostCommand@@YAHPB_W@Z"
extern static private int acedPostCommand(string cmd);
// A transaction and database to add polylines
private Transaction _tr;
private Document _doc;
// We need our nKinect sensor
private Sensor _kinect = null;
// A list of points captured by the sensor
// (for eventual export)
private List<ColorVector3> _vecs;
// Uber list of points for final export/import
private List<ColorVector3> _totalVecs;
// A list of points to be displayed
// (we use this for the jig)
private Point3dCollection _points;
// Transient points that have already been snapped
private List<Point3dCollection> _snapped;
// An offset value we use to move the mouse back
// and forth by one screen unit
private int _offset;
// The number of snapshots to be taken
private int _numShots;
// Extents to filter points
Extents3d? _ext;
// Is it time to take a snapshot of the sensor data?
private bool _snapshot;
// Timer to tell us when to take a snapshot
private Timer _timer;
// Ready to exit the jig?
private bool _finished;
public bool Finished
get { return _finished; }
public KinectDelayJig(
Document doc, Transaction tr,
int numShots, double delay, Extents3d? ext
// Initialise the various members
_doc = doc;
_tr = tr;
_numShots = numShots;
_ext = ext;
_points = new Point3dCollection();
_snapped = new List<Point3dCollection>();
_totalVecs = new List<ColorVector3>();
_offset = 1;
_snapshot = false;
_finished = false;
_timer = new System.Timers.Timer(delay * 1000);
// Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer
_timer.Elapsed +=
delegate(object source, ElapsedEventArgs args)
// Flag that it's time to capture a snapshot
_snapshot = true;
// Turn off the timer to be re-enabled later
((Timer)source).Enabled = false;
// Create our sensor object - the constructor takes
// three callbacks to receive various data:
// - skeleton movement
// - rgb data
// - depth data
_kinect = new Sensor(s => {}, r => {}, d => {});
_timer.Enabled = true;
public void StartSensor()
if (_kinect != null)
public void StopSensor()
if (_kinect != null)
_kinect = null;
protected override SamplerStatus Sampler(JigPrompts prompts)
// Se don't really need a point, but we do need some
// user input event to allow us to loop, processing
// for the Kinect input
PromptPointResult ppr =
prompts.AcquirePoint("\nClick to capture: ");
if (ppr.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
if (_finished)
return SamplerStatus.Cancel;
// Generate a point cloud via nKinect
List<ColorVector3> vecList =
// Apply a bounding box filter, if one is defined
if (_ext.HasValue)
// Use LINQ to get the points within the
// bounding box
var vecSet =
from ColorVector3 vec in vecList
vec.X > _ext.Value.MinPoint.X &&
vec.X < _ext.Value.MaxPoint.X &&
vec.Y > _ext.Value.MinPoint.Y &&
vec.Y < _ext.Value.MaxPoint.Y &&
vec.Z > _ext.Value.MinPoint.Z &&
vec.Z < _ext.Value.MaxPoint.Z
select vec;
// Convert our IEnumerable<> into a List<>
_vecs = vecSet.ToList<ColorVector3>();
_vecs = vecList;
// Extract the points for display in the jig
// (note we only take 1 in 2)
for (int i = 0; i < _vecs.Count; i += 2)
ColorVector3 vec = _vecs[i];
new Point3d(vec.X, vec.Y, vec.Z)
// Let's move the mouse slightly to avoid having
// to do it manually to keep the input coming
System.Drawing.Point pt =
System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position =
new System.Drawing.Point(
pt.X, pt.Y + _offset
_offset = -_offset;
catch {}
return SamplerStatus.OK;
return SamplerStatus.Cancel;
protected override bool WorldDraw(AcGi.WorldDraw draw)
if (_snapshot)
if (_points.Count > 0)
// Make a copy of the latest set of points
Point3d[] tmp = new Point3d[_points.Count];
_points.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
// Add the copy to the list of snapshot previews
_snapped.Add(new Point3dCollection(tmp));
// Add the core list to the total set
short origColor = draw.SubEntityTraits.Color;
for (int i = 0; i < _snapped.Count; i++)
// Cycle through colour indeces for each snapshot
draw.SubEntityTraits.Color = (short)(i + 1);
// Draw the actual snapshot, one by one
if (_snapped[i].Count > 0)
draw.Geometry.Polypoint(_snapped[i], null, null);
// Set the colour back to the original
draw.SubEntityTraits.Color = origColor;
if (_snapshot)
// Reset the flag, timer and check whether finished
_snapshot = false;
_finished = (--_numShots == 0);
_timer.Enabled = true;
// This simply draws our points
if (_points.Count > 0)
draw.Geometry.Polypoint(_points, null, null);
return true;
public void ExportPointCloud(string filename)
if (_totalVecs.Count > 0)
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename))
// For each pixel, write a line to the text file:
// X, Y, Z, R, G, B
foreach (ColorVector3 pt in _totalVecs)
"{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}",
pt.X, pt.Y, pt.Z, pt.R, pt.G, pt.B
public class Commands
// Static members for command settings
private static int _numShots = 5;
private static double _delay = 5.0;
private static Extents3d? _ext = null;
[CommandMethod("ADNPLUGINS", "KINBOUNDS", CommandFlags.Modal)]
public void SetBoundingBox()
Document doc =
Editor ed = doc.Editor;
// Ask the user to select an entity
PromptEntityOptions peo =
new PromptEntityOptions(
"\nSelect entity to define bounding box"
peo.AllowNone = true;
peo.Keywords.Default = "None";
PromptEntityResult per = ed.GetEntity(peo);
if (per.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
// If "None" selected, clear the bounding box
if (per.Status == PromptStatus.None ||
per.StringResult == "None")
_ext = null;
ed.WriteMessage("\nBounding box cleared.");
// Otherwise open the entity and gets its extents
Transaction tr =
using (tr)
Entity ent =
tr.GetObject(per.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead)
as Entity;
if (ent != null)
_ext = ent.Bounds;
"\nBounding box set to {0}", _ext
[CommandMethod("ADNPLUGINS", "KINSNAPS", CommandFlags.Modal)]
public void ImportFromKinect()
Document doc =
Editor ed = doc.Editor;
// Get some user input for the number of snapshots...
PromptIntegerOptions pio =
new PromptIntegerOptions("\nNumber of captures");
pio.AllowZero = false;
pio.DefaultValue = _numShots;
pio.UseDefaultValue = true;
pio.UpperLimit = 20;
pio.LowerLimit = 1;
PromptIntegerResult pir = ed.GetInteger(pio);
if (pir.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
_numShots = pir.Value;
// ... and the delay between them
PromptDoubleOptions pdo =
new PromptDoubleOptions("\nNumber of seconds delay");
pdo.AllowZero = false;
pdo.AllowNegative = false;
pdo.AllowArbitraryInput = false;
pdo.DefaultValue = _delay;
pdo.UseDefaultValue = true;
PromptDoubleResult pdr = ed.GetDouble(pdo);
if (pdr.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
_delay = pdr.Value;
Transaction tr =
KinectDelayJig kj =
new KinectDelayJig(doc, tr, _numShots, _delay, _ext);
PromptResult pr = ed.Drag(kj);
if (pr.Status != PromptStatus.OK && !kj.Finished)
// Manually dispose to avoid scoping issues with
// other variables
// We'll store most local files in the temp folder.
// We get a temp filename, delete the file and
// use the name for our folder
string localPath = Path.GetTempFileName();
localPath += "\\";
// Paths for our temporary files
string txtPath = localPath + "points.txt";
string lasPath = localPath + "points.las";
// Our PCG file will be stored under My Documents
string outputPath =
) + "\\Kinect Point Clouds\\";
if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath))
// We'll use the title as a base filename for the PCG,
// but will use an incremented integer to get an unused
// filename
int cnt = 0;
string pcgPath;
pcgPath =
outputPath + "Kinect" +
(cnt == 0 ? "" : cnt.ToString()) + ".pcg";
while (File.Exists(pcgPath));
// The path to the txt2las tool will be the same as the
// executing assembly (our DLL)
string exePath =
) + "\\";
if (!File.Exists(exePath + "txt2las.exe"))
"\nCould not find the txt2las tool: please make sure " +
"it is in the same folder as the application DLL."
// Export our point cloud from the jig
"\nSaving TXT file of the captured points.\n"
// Use the txt2las utility to create a .LAS
// file from our text file
"\nCreating a LAS from the TXT file.\n"
ProcessStartInfo psi =
new ProcessStartInfo(
exePath + "txt2las",
"-i \"" + txtPath +
"\" -o \"" + lasPath +
"\" -parse xyzRGB"
psi.CreateNoWindow = false;
psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
// Wait up to 20 seconds for the process to exit
using (Process p = Process.Start(psi))
{ }
// If there's a problem, we return
if (!File.Exists(lasPath))
"\nError creating LAS file."
"Indexing the LAS and attaching the PCG.\n"
// Index the .LAS file, creating a .PCG
string lasLisp = lasPath.Replace('\\', '/'),
pcgLisp = pcgPath.Replace('\\', '/');
"(command \"_.POINTCLOUDINDEX\" \"" +
lasLisp + "\" \"" +
pcgLisp + "\")(princ) ",
false, false, false
// Attach the .PCG file
pcgLisp + "\" \"" +
lasLisp + "\" " +
"(command \"_.-POINTCLOUDATTACH\" \"" +
pcgLisp +
"\" \"0,0\" \"1\" \"0\")(princ) ",
false, false, false
"_.-VISUALSTYLES _C _Conceptual ",
false, false, false
// Return whether a file is accessible
private bool IsFileAccessible(string filename)
// If the file can be opened for exclusive access it means
// the file is accesible
FileStream fs =
filename, FileMode.Open,
FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None
using (fs)
return true;
catch (IOException)
return false;
// A command which waits for a particular PCG file to exist
"ADNPLUGINS", "WAITFORFILE", CommandFlags.NoHistory
public void WaitForFileToExist()
Document doc =
Editor ed = doc.Editor;
HostApplicationServices ha =
PromptResult pr = ed.GetString("Enter path to PCG: ");
if (pr.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
string pcgPath = pr.StringResult.Replace('/', '\\');
pr = ed.GetString("Enter path to LAS: ");
if (pr.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
string lasPath = pr.StringResult.Replace('/', '\\');
"\nWaiting for PCG creation to complete...\n"
// Check the write time for the PCG file...
// if it hasn't been written to for at least half a second,
// then we try to use a file lock to see whether the file
// is accessible or not
const int ticks = 50;
TimeSpan diff;
bool cancelled = false;
// First loop is to see when writing has stopped
// (better than always throwing exceptions)
while (true)
if (File.Exists(pcgPath))
DateTime dt = File.GetLastWriteTime(pcgPath);
diff = DateTime.Now - dt;
if (diff.Ticks > ticks)
// Second loop will wait until file is finally accessible
// (by calling a function that requests an exclusive lock)
if (!cancelled)
int inacc = 0;
while (true)
if (IsFileAccessible(pcgPath))
ed.WriteMessage("\nFile inaccessible {0} times.", inacc);
{ }
internal void CleanupTmpFiles(string txtPath)
if (File.Exists(txtPath))
I still feel I need to do more with navigation – which is hopefully the next area of focus – but we’ll see. It depends on whether something else comes in to distract me. :-)