I’m heads-down in final preparation mode for AU 2010 and so won’t post anything very detailed for the rest of the week, but I did just want to share a series of programming gems that I stumbled across the other day.
James Michael Hare has published a great series entitled “C#/.NET Little Wonders”:
- C#/.NET Five Little Wonders (part 1)
- The Null Coalescing Operator (??)
- The As Cast
- Auto-Properties
- The Stopwatch Class
- TimeSpan factory methods
- C#/.NET Five More Little Wonders (part 2)
- string.IsNullOrEmpty() and string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()
- string.Equals()
- using Statements
- static Class Modifier
- Object and Collection Initializers
- C#/.NET Five Final Little Wonders (part 3)
- Implicit Typing
- LINQ Extension Methods
- Extension Methods
- System.IO.Path
- Generic Delegates
- C#/.NET Two More Little Wonders
- The ToList() LINQ Extension Method
- The ToDictionary() LINQ Extension Method
I use a number of the above-mentioned tips on a regular basis, was familiar with a few others, but there are some I didn’t know at all (and am assuming the same is probably true for many of you).
There’s also a post linking to these various pages and to a presentation covering the same ground.
Enjoy! :-)